This was my first 70.3 St George The story of this race was the weather and high temp's The Pros went out at 6:50 AM , My age group at 7:21, So there was not much time to watch the Pros. The Swim was an open water start, I placed myself to buoy nearest the inner track about 4 people deep. It took about 3 yellow buoys to catch my breath and develop a pace. I was shooting for less than 35 and came in less than 40. At the 1st turn we swam directly into a sunrise which made it difficult to spot buoys down range. The water temperature was 62 degrees. Once we made final turn toward shore we could hear the music and announcer. Transition 1 went smoothly my bike was parked in the back of the venue so had a long run out. My bike anxiety was a slow leak I noticed on my rear tire, I decided to pump that tire to the max and hope it would hold up which it did. Once out the first 20 miles is relatively flat and circles the lake. The air temp at this point is still cool and you do not feel the heat. I was getting passed on the bike by younger stronger triathletes at this point. Mile 20- 30 is a continuous up hill grade. @ about mile 40 we turned into Red Hills Canyon State Park. There was a climb up about 4 miles on a paved path, at times single file, the scenic views were amazing, I'd like to go back. This section fills out back to the main road and an epic 4 mile climb begins with 8-9 degree grade in place. We then exit the park onto the main highway and 8-9 miles down to town at times speeds of 35 mph. We enter town into T-2. I had lost time @ T2, I was not able to find my 299 rack spot, a volunteer finally helped me however I lost precious minutes , Once on the run, immediate 500 yard up hill and next 3 miles is a gentle up hill grade followed by our first 3 mile climb. Throughout the run I was continuing to pass other triathletes. Despite the heat and up hill, I didn't seem to mind. I was running 10 minute/mile average in these up hill sections. After cresting the hill followed by 1 mile of rolling hills then mile 5.5-7.5 trail running on paved paths into the hills and scrub through canyons one more drop then the last climb up to mile 9 and at mile 10 decent begins which for me at times very fast, and down into town. I learned I had a lot left over and could have began to attack the course sooner on the ride. Overall had a good day. I did run the summit section of run with Dave Morell, I tend to exit the water stops faster then him overall he cycled faster than me and beat my time by a minute or so. St George Utah is a great town, so clean and the town really embraces this event. Much like CDA. I would definitely come back. Comments are closed.
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September 2023